02 November 2010

NSDC: Call for Participants (Learners)

Good day,

Here is the information regarding registration for the National Schools' Debating Championships 2010.


Attached please find:

A letter that is to be passed on to participants' parents;
A letter to be passed on to the participants themselves;
A letter from the Organisation Committee containing important information, including a draft programme;

The NSDC Pack is available for download. 

In addition to the above documentation, you will soon be receiving information about an indemnity form and code of conduct.

Registration fees for this year's Nationals will be R6,000.00 per team, and are to be paid as follows:

(i) a payment of R3,000.00 per team by Monday, 8 November; and

(ii) a further payment of R3,000.00 per team by Monday, 22 November.

You will need the following information from each learner:

Name and surname
Whether open / development (and if dev, which school they attend)
Food preferences and allergies
Contact details (cell, home and email)
Both parents / guardians contact details (cell, home and email)
Medical aid info
Emergency contact
Medical history (allergies and prescriptions)
Transport arrangements (including when arriver on 11th and when depart on 15th)


Please forward the information to me as soon as possible.

A note regarding transport:

The bus trip to Mooi River can be broken down as follows:

Polokwane --> Pretoria (Translux)
Pretoria --> Mooi River (Greyhound)
Mooi River --> Treverton School (?)
Return tickets cost approx. R780 all together.

A note regarding payments:

I am not sure what would be best practice here. I think individual payments into the
NSDC account from each participant would be great. Although this would not work
very well if something went wrong and refunds had to be made. I am open to suggestions.

Please do not hesitate to ask questions.

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